Sunday, April 12, 2009

I ran, I ran so far away

I added another t-shirt to my drawer with my first-ever triathlon today -- 400m swim, 12k bike, 3k run.  Final time was 48:29, and I took second in road bike division!  Interesting way to celebrate Easter.

The first-place winner of my division was a 25-year-old, young punk Sergeant from my unit who caught me on the run and beat me by a minute.  I would have given him a run for his money if I hadn't taught spin class on Friday night, hadn't guzzled a sugar-free Red Bull ten minutes before my heat started, if I didn't completely foul up the swim-to-bike transition (3:22 is way too long), or if the pool wasn't three degrees cooler than boiling. (Bo [head lifeguard], if you're reading this -- 88 degrees was way too hot, brother!  Especially when it was 72 when I practiced earlier in the week.  I think I saw some TCN's dumping vegetables and raw chicken in after the last heat.)  

Whatever the cause, I literally almost passed out in the water halfway through the swim and never could get my breathing under control for the rest of the race.  I still managed to get out of the water a full two minutes ahead of everybody, and on the first lap on the bike I noticed my jersey was on backwards so I turned it around.  Thank God no one got a picture of that.

You have to admit the misspelling on the plaques is priceless.

For any Russian-speaking Xians out there:  Иисус воскрес.

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