Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas update and anniversary musings

In lieu of sending Christmas cards -- and mostly because I'm lazy -- this update will have to do for all our friends and family this year. Besides, we've all pretty much kept in touch recently anyway.

First off, the Powell family is doing well this year despite some bumps in the road. After 28 long months away in Kuwait, I returned to Oklahoma in June -- to a half-empty house and a marriage in need of major fixing. The time away was good professionally, but the emotional trauma of being separated for so long took its toll on our family in ways we couldn't have imagined. Many of you know, to varying degrees, the travails we endured this year, and know that we very nearly came to divorce. Suffice it to say that by the grace of God our family is healing -- and today we celebrate our 20th anniversary.

The kids are doing great, and are all living at home. Dallas turned 20 recently, is working retail in the mall, and plans to enlist in the Army. Christian is a high school senior, state championship swimmer (currently ranked 2nd in the 100-fly at the 5A level), and is considering several colleges in the area. Our little Abigail is now 12, and enjoying being a middle schooler.

This past year, as most of you know, I have been training for triathlons and even competed in a couple. My long-term goal is to do a full Ironman by 2011 -- as long as I can overcome by abject hatred of running. I've been a Major for nearly three years, and my latest position is as the Communications/Electronics Staff Officer for a Fires Brigade here at Fort Sill -- basically, that means I manage all the computer, phone, and radio networks for a cannon and rocket artillery unit. Fortunately, we're not deploying anytime soon. I am eligible to retire as of this year, but it looks as if I will very likely stay in through the next promotion (to Lt. Col.).

Lori has taken the last few months off from work and enjoys being a homemaker and awesome mom to our kids. I still find it incredible that she has stuck with me all these years, and know that we will continue to make our marriage even better, now that we have stood the test of time.

We miss all of our family and friends across the world, and wish you all a Merry Christmas!


Dallas, Lori, Dallas, Christian, and Abbi