Saturday, July 5, 2008

Some Independence Day weekend thoughts

I am reading an ongoing discussion today on, my favorite time-wasting website, about Pettty Officer Michael A. Monsoor (,2933,376243,00.html) -- the Navy SEAL who in April was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for his actions in Iraq in September 2006. In short, he chose to save the lives of his comrades by diving on a live grenade during a firefight -- when he could have jumped out of the way, likely meaning others would have died. This hero was buried in San Diego, and President Bush attended the ceremony.

In the Fark discussion, as in many of them I read, there were several trolls who were out to denounce the war, vent their opinions about Bush, or otherwise denigrate the SEAL's honor with their tripe. Most others came to the defense, telling the detractors to take their rhetoric elsewhere. One particular person, however, got my goat by bringing up 1st Lt. Ehren Watada, the Field Artillery officer who, in 2006, refused to deploy with his unit, the 2nd Infantry Division (of which I am a proud alumnus). This was part of my reply on the discussion thread [the abbreviations and apparent misspellings are particular to the site]:

"Watada is a first-class coward who deserves a blanket party, but instead walks off scot-free. He joined well after the initial Iraq invasion, -- and in the Field Artillery at that. If he truly thought it was an unjust war, he should not ever have joined in the first place. But oh, he saw the light after he started reading a little, eh? Sorry pal, too late now!

"The rest of us Soldiers might not all agree with what is going on in this part of the world (I'm in Kuwait), but we do what we do out of a sense of duty not only to our country, but to the men and women next to us.

"That farking moran Watada is a disgrace to the uniform. Any idiot who signs up knows that once you're in, you're at the complete disposal of Uncle Sam. That inlcudes giving up some of the Constitutional rights we serve to protect. You don't get to pick which wars you go fight, you just go -- and in the position he was in, he should have gone if but for the sake of the men under his command, to at least ensure everyone made it home alive. He could easily have vented his frustrations on a blog. Instead, he chickened out because he thinks we had no right to be in Iraq.

"Monsoor's selfless sacrifice stands in stark contrast to Watada's bad need of a good biatch-slapping. And your pathetic attempt at trolling in this thread is misplaced at best. If you really think that idiot is a hero, then I challenge you to sign up today. Otherwise, STFU and GBTW."

//Rant over.

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