Thursday, October 23, 2008

Under the heat

Today is the 25th anniversary of the Beirut barracks bombing.  In honor of the brave Marines, Soldiers, and Sailors whose lives were taken that day, I offer only the simple lyrics of one of my most favorite songs, "Under the Heat" by The 77s.  The song was written as a tribute, and released on their 1984 album, All Fall Down.  Its lyrics seem eerily prescient today.

Like a snap of the fingers
It was just that quick
The building had fallen
And shattered and
Melted under the heat
We found a buddy
Who was covered in blood
He kept trying to get up and look
Lay down, lay down, lay down marine
Under the heat
All our lives changing
Under the heat
"Take your cameras and
get out of here"
"Forget it" said the C.O.
"You're out of line,
you're angry, I'm angry,
they're angry,
just do the job."
Under the heat
We stopped to listen for voices
And then we'd dig with
Whatever we had
Listen and dig, listen and dig,
Listen and dig
Under the heat
All our lives changing
Under the heat
Reaching through this
Curtain of fear
My arms are stretched
Beyond the limit
I take the heat from
Streaming tears
To bear the cold and
Walk out in it
Walk out in it
My plans for the future
Are a frozen picture
That has fallen and
Shattered and melted
Under the heat
All our lives changing
Under the heat

--Papers fluttered in the gentle October breeze and a page from a pocket-sized Bible lay on the ground. It was open to the book of Psalms. The passage said, "For they do not talk of peace, but against the quiet ones of the land they plot treacharies..." From the San Fransisco Chronicle Monday, October 24, 1983

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw you leave those lyrics in the Fark posting you left this morning and had wondered who wrote it.

Stay safe over there. I'm bookmarking your blog to keep up with your writings.