Saturday, January 31, 2009

Disgruntled customer: 2, Sprint: 1

I think I'm onto something here.  It only took a few hours for a response this time, and on a Saturday at that!  I guess all I have to do when Sprint screws up is email the right threats and insults to the right executives and they take care of me right away.  Hm.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What's up? I too am a disgruntled fan of to hate their dropped calls, but the prices and the phone I just bought ROCKS! It beat Verizon by 500 minutes at the same price and I don't have to get their 3G network while using the built-in wifi. Did I say ROCKS?
Anyway, hope to hear from you. I can't find your email, as the PST file only save your name, and not the associated email. Look forward to hearing from ya! Dude! Burt