Friday, November 6, 2009

This week's PX complaint

After my morning "Majoring around" haircut today (since our network folks figured out how to block Mafia Wars at work), I figured I'd to surprise my wife by bringing home lunch. I made the egregious mistake of going to Robin Hood, the only halfway healthy eatery in our Post Exchange's food court. The lunchtime crowd was already forming by 1125.

Perusing my options on the sign near the drink counter, I decided on a new toasted grilled chicken with marinara and mushrooms. Upon placing my order, the less-than-helpful lady behind the counter had to ask her manager if they sold that, since it wasn't on the menu behind the counter. When I asked her if she *actually* worked there, she told me she never reads the signs outside of her little kiosk.

Normally this sort of thing would get my blood boiling -- espcially since she's slower than molasses running uphill in January -- but six months of Zoloft has calmed me quite a bit. So she made up my footlong on Italian herb & cheese bread, and rang it up to go. I dutifully spun around to the drink counter only to discover that there were no large lids fitting Robin Hood cups. Going back to the kiosk, I encountered ever-so-competent Robin Hood Lady No. 2:

Me: Excuse me, do you happen to have any lids to fit these cups?

RH2: They were out yesterday, they must not have got any in today.

Me: Well, do you have any behind the counter?

RH2: They were out yesterday, they must not have got any in today.

Me (thinking she must not have heard my last question): Okay, but do you have any behind the counter?

RH2: No.

Me: Well, I ordered a large drink to go, so I would appreciate at least a different cup with a lid so I don't spill my drink in may car.

(At this point, the pizza lady in the next kiosk hands me a smaller cup, which I reject.)

Me: Could you at least get me a large cup from Burger King next door?

(Even though this would have taken all of 10 seconds, RH2 ignores me -- which pushes me over the edge.)

Me (in front of everybody): COULD I SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER PLEASE?

(Manager lady hears my complaint, then goes to Burger King and retrieves...a large lid.)

Me: This lid is obviously too large, could you PLEASE get me a cup that fits it?

Manager: Well sir, their cups are larger and cost more.


(Manager lady leaves and comes back with a large BK cup.)

Me: Thanks, but I shouldn't have had to wait five minutes for you guys to figure this out.

Manager: I'm sorry for your inconvenience.

(I pour my drink into the new cup, defiantly leaving the used one on the counter.)

These are the most of my worries lately. Life is good.


Anonymous said... seem to have forgotten that these people are entitled. To what they are entitled, I do not know, but it is definitely something. They let you know with their demeanor and attitude every time a person encounters them.

Besides, sir, you were asking them to do their job to standard. You should know that's asking a bit much.

Audacia77 said...


Another Agency F#@%ing Enlisted Soldiers

32yrs experience getting shafted by the "You go where we go" company.

Sounds like it was at Campbell.